How much salt can you get? There is a recommendation for an adult not to consume more than 6 grams of salt per day. More than 85 percent of the Dutch population receives more salt than the recommended maximum amount. On average men receive 9.9 grams of salt per day and women 7.5 grams per day. This upper limit is lower for children. In principle you get enough salt through the diet and it is not necessary to add extra salt to the food. For health it is better to consume less than 6 grams of salt per day. Pay attention to nutrition Try not to let a child get used to a salty taste. The advice is not to add salt to a child's food. It is healthy for everyone to be careful with salt. The label on a product states how much salt or sodium it contains. The following applies: the less the better. There are more and more products for sale with less salt. Instead of salt on the table, try fresh herbs and spices, such as fresh chives or basil.